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Free Dating Apps Club, Meetup Single Men





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:c/o TransaktionsKompagniet ApS Lyngebækgårds Alle 10 2990 Nivå

Free Dating Apps Club, Meetup Single Men & Women(圖1)-速報App

Free Dating Apps Club for Single Men and Women by Umbrella Dating effortlessly connects attractive men and women across the world for free.

Free Dating Apps Club connects you with single men and women seeking short-term or long-term dating relationships in a heartbeat. Hook-up or go on dates with singles from your local area or from other states, build relationships across boundaries and find the “bone of your bone” by taking advantage of the special features this app has to offer.

New users join our platform daily so there is a whole sea of single men and women to choose from and our state-of-the-art match algorithms only takes seconds to return the best matches based on your search criteria. Download and sign up on the Free Dating Apps Club today and find a the man or woman of your dreams within minutes.

Large Community of Singles

We have a large for community of single men and women who are looking for dates and casual hook-ups. Whether you are looking to hook-ups, flirt, spend time with someone or find a life partner, we exponentially increase your chances of successfully doing so by introducing you to other persons who have a genuine desire to date and have fun.

Use your Preferred Mode of Communication

The Free Dating Apps Club for single men and women offers a variety of communication options including HD video chat, seamless Audio chat, instant messaging and if you are just want to let someone know that you are checking them out, you could simply wink at them to get their attention. Our servers adapt to changing network speeds to ensure a hitch-free chatting experience.

Show Off on Your Profile

Get creative with how you introduce yourself in the 'About Me" Section and let other members know your sign, interests, and sexuality.

Meet Someone from Anywhere

The extensive search options of the Free Dating Apps Club for singles enables members to localise search areas or focus it elsewhere based on preference thereby making it possible to reach out to persons in the same area or for long-distance relationships.

Get Rid of the Clutter

Our optimized search engine ensures members are not bombarded with irrelevant matches so when you expect a search query to find a date or hook-ups, or casual encounter, the matches are always the most relevant ones.

User-Friendly Interface

Free Dating Apps Club, Meetup Single Men & Women(圖2)-速報App

Like all Umbrella Dating Apps, the Free Dating Apps Club for singles features a simple and intuitive user-interface, which makes navigation super easy. Its features are easily accessible and requires minimum effort to learn.


The lightweight installation package is compatible with different android versions and requires a negligible amount of system resources to run.

Easy Sign Up Process

A few taps is all it takes to sign up and start chatting and setting up your next date.

Key Features

Send and Receive messages

Upload & share images

See who likes you

Browse profiles invisibly

Advanced match search options

Extended Search

Attractive Or Not

Audio Chat

Free Dating Apps Club, Meetup Single Men & Women(圖3)-速報App

Video Chat

3DCity (Street Chat, Games and more)

Free Dating Apps Club, Meetup Single Men & Women(圖4)-速報App